An open letter to my little brothers and sisters

My little brothers and sisters, I remember being 16 and not knowing what my career pathway would be like. I remember studying eight subjects in school and thought these would be useful one day. But in reality.......... I hope that long pause already give you the idea; the message I am trying to convey. My … Continue reading An open letter to my little brothers and sisters

On adulting, anxiety and coping mechanisms.

The reason why we did the bet was because I wanted to be certain about everything; re-assessing feelings, to know what I really want, what matters to me most, and whether my choices truly reflect that. Of course, I always make that leap of faith (sometimes unnecessary) and eventually have panic attack of the unknown … Continue reading On adulting, anxiety and coping mechanisms.

“Where I’ve always dreamed to be but no longer the place I wanted to stay.”

Here I am again feeling more enlightened this time around Standing at the exact same spot where I observed Lincoln two years ago It felt like as if my own ghosts from the past Came to whisper and reminded me what a journey it has been. What started off as a vague decision and a … Continue reading “Where I’ve always dreamed to be but no longer the place I wanted to stay.”

“When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Sesungguhnya apabila rezeki itu datang bertubi-tubi, ingatlah bahawa dirimu juga sedang diuji (Indeed, when good things come your way in an unseeming bombardment, remember that you are also being tested [by God]). Masha-Allah. This is a validation that my involvements in NGOs, youth and volunteer work in the past are all worth it. Not forgetting … Continue reading “When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Time to live more courageously than ever

6th of the month again, for 8 months in a row.   As I left the empty office and bid my final goodbye, something sparked inside my soul. Because it was my safe place to be my real self; with an inclusive working environment and accepting colleagues, hence I called it my second home... It … Continue reading Time to live more courageously than ever

A piece of advice for the millennials

If I can give a little piece of advice to my brother and sisters today, whether you are currently studying, looking for jobs or just started a career; remember that better days are ahead if you keep on challenging yourself to improve your attitude, skills etc. If there is no opportunity, create one. Time is … Continue reading A piece of advice for the millennials

Resolving internal conflict from a dream

It was lunch time and the family and I were at a restaurant. While going through the menu to order our food, I noticed a man in a wheelchair two tables away from ours. His familiar silhouette intrigued me to peek slightly towards his side and indeed it was him, our uncle who has passed … Continue reading Resolving internal conflict from a dream

Relish in exquisite Chinese fusion at M Yus Restaurant

Looking for exquisite yet affordable Chinese fusion for a lunch treat with friends or for a celebratory family dinner? Then M Yus Restaurant in Kiulap is the place you want to go! Officially opening its door at the former Food Zone Kiulap last Thursday, the eatery now offers a brand new menu.  “This is the much … Continue reading Relish in exquisite Chinese fusion at M Yus Restaurant