“When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Sesungguhnya apabila rezeki itu datang bertubi-tubi, ingatlah bahawa dirimu juga sedang diuji (Indeed, when good things come your way in an unseeming bombardment, remember that you are also being tested [by God]). Masha-Allah. This is a validation that my involvements in NGOs, youth and volunteer work in the past are all worth it. Not forgetting … Continue reading “When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Time to live more courageously than ever

6th of the month again, for 8 months in a row.   As I left the empty office and bid my final goodbye, something sparked inside my soul. Because it was my safe place to be my real self; with an inclusive working environment and accepting colleagues, hence I called it my second home... It … Continue reading Time to live more courageously than ever

A piece of advice for the millennials

If I can give a little piece of advice to my brother and sisters today, whether you are currently studying, looking for jobs or just started a career; remember that better days are ahead if you keep on challenging yourself to improve your attitude, skills etc. If there is no opportunity, create one. Time is … Continue reading A piece of advice for the millennials

Resolving internal conflict from a dream

It was lunch time and the family and I were at a restaurant. While going through the menu to order our food, I noticed a man in a wheelchair two tables away from ours. His familiar silhouette intrigued me to peek slightly towards his side and indeed it was him, our uncle who has passed … Continue reading Resolving internal conflict from a dream

Generasi Berwawasan: Taking the country to new heights

Heavy downpour could not dampen the spirits of Generasi Berwawasan on the morning of February 23, as thousands of people from all walks of life flocked to the capital to celebrate Brunei Darussalam’s 33rd National Day. The young and the old, locals and foreigners — all took part in the annual procession at Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar ‘Ali … Continue reading Generasi Berwawasan: Taking the country to new heights