Time to live more courageously than ever

6th of the month again, for 8 months in a row.   As I left the empty office and bid my final goodbye, something sparked inside my soul. Because it was my safe place to be my real self; with an inclusive working environment and accepting colleagues, hence I called it my second home... It … Continue reading Time to live more courageously than ever

A piece of advice for the millennials

If I can give a little piece of advice to my brother and sisters today, whether you are currently studying, looking for jobs or just started a career; remember that better days are ahead if you keep on challenging yourself to improve your attitude, skills etc. If there is no opportunity, create one. Time is … Continue reading A piece of advice for the millennials

Resolving internal conflict from a dream

It was lunch time and the family and I were at a restaurant. While going through the menu to order our food, I noticed a man in a wheelchair two tables away from ours. His familiar silhouette intrigued me to peek slightly towards his side and indeed it was him, our uncle who has passed … Continue reading Resolving internal conflict from a dream

When visiting the sick, pay mind to etiquette

When my younger cousin was admitted to the hospital recently due to an extremely high fever, my brothers and I decided to visit him for moral support and to lift his spirits. It is indeed an obligation of every Muslim to visit the sick.  As reported by Abu Hurairah RA, Prophet Muhammad SAW said: Every Muslim has five rights over … Continue reading When visiting the sick, pay mind to etiquette

Why it’s important for young Muslims to volunteer

The importance of youth being agents of change is deeply acknowledged in Islam. Therefore it is important to groom and equip the young generation with strong morals and values in line with Islamic teachings. One of these teachings is volunteering. As Muslims, we are encouraged to extend a helping hand to the communities we live in through … Continue reading Why it’s important for young Muslims to volunteer

Reconnecting with your siblings as an adult

My family recently celebrated my younger brother’s 25th birthday and it was the first time in five years that we got to celebrate it together as he was previously studying abroad. Transitioning into a working adult, a realisation hit me during the family dinner that I hadn’t been spending enough time to keep up to date with … Continue reading Reconnecting with your siblings as an adult

After losing my job and going through heartbreak, I found solace in faith

When I was laid off in November last year, I felt like I was at the lowest point in my life. I was truly devastated. It was my first job after graduating from university and I enjoyed the financial independence it afforded me. But what I thought only happened in movies, happened to me. I consider myself lucky for … Continue reading After losing my job and going through heartbreak, I found solace in faith