“When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Sesungguhnya apabila rezeki itu datang bertubi-tubi, ingatlah bahawa dirimu juga sedang diuji (Indeed, when good things come your way in an unseeming bombardment, remember that you are also being tested [by God]). Masha-Allah. This is a validation that my involvements in NGOs, youth and volunteer work in the past are all worth it. Not forgetting … Continue reading “When good things come your way, you are being tested too”

Time to live more courageously than ever

6th of the month again, for 8 months in a row.   As I left the empty office and bid my final goodbye, something sparked inside my soul. Because it was my safe place to be my real self; with an inclusive working environment and accepting colleagues, hence I called it my second home... It … Continue reading Time to live more courageously than ever

A piece of advice for the millennials

If I can give a little piece of advice to my brother and sisters today, whether you are currently studying, looking for jobs or just started a career; remember that better days are ahead if you keep on challenging yourself to improve your attitude, skills etc. If there is no opportunity, create one. Time is … Continue reading A piece of advice for the millennials